Adolfo Pacheco

Birthday: 29 December 1980

I was born in Cordoba, Argentina.
My father (also Adolfo Pacheco) a grand prix rider  and trainer for Argentina , and my mother Graciela a civil servant involved me in the horse world from little.
At the age of 8 I won my first federal and state championship title in novice.
I was national vice-Champion in 1992 and National Champion in 1993 at Children Level.  I reached the first category license in 1996, with only 15 years, winning in major shows throughout Argentina and wining the National Title for best rider in the interior of the country.

I also formed part of the Argentinean team in 1993 Cali- Colombia, 1994 Sao Pablo- Brazil, 1996 Quito-Ecuador, 1997 Buenos Aires-Argentina.
In March 2001 I went to Europe to learn more about riding and started to work for Evelyn Blaton. In July of the same year she offered me the chance to work in England for Michael Whitaker (one lifetime chance). I've been working for Michael for a few years, where I started as a groom-Rider and ended up as a grand prix-rider. I have achieved major qualifications for "Horse of the Year Show" with young horses, as well as many prices at Grand Prix level. I will always thank Michael for everything he taught me!

Since September 2004 I am living in Germany. I started with the support of owners. Where I competed with good results up to 3* level. I also started to buy and sell my own horses and working with partners from different countries.

Adolfo Pacheco